Best know as a “story whisperer” for Bossy Bear, an animated TV show I produced for Nickelodeon (launched in 2023). Well before that, Chil Kong rolled up his sleeves on multiple film and tv projects as a producer, director and Chief Creative Officer for companies like Paramount, Disney, Nickelodeon and many others. From enhancing stories to developing young storytellers, Chil Kong has also cultivated new voices as a professor of film, tv and performing arts at Cal Poly Pomona, Bowie State and UC Riverside. He knows how to clarify, inspire, pitch and sell you and your story, and excited to empower up-and-coming talent. As an advocate for diverse stories, he have served as a leader for the AAPI and Korean American communities and helped hundreds of stories like his come to life. Chil Kong continue as a professor at UC Riverside while working with multiple studios to develop deeply personal and heart-warming stories with an interesting twist.